Self Builders
According to my mates at Wikipedia, Self-build is:
‘the practice of creating an individual home for oneself through a variety of different methods. The self-builder's input into this process varies from doing the actual building work to contracting out all the work to an architect or building package company’.
With that in mind, let the records show that when I say ‘I am building a house’, what I mean is, ‘the good people of Excel Construction are building what the architects have designed’. I am personally not building a damn thing. Ha!
I reminded my self just how useless I am at even basic DIY while nursing my sore hand on Sunday night. I had spent an hour or so that afternoon helping my sister screw her new bed together. Yes, basic screwdriver and drill usage has crippled my right hand. Shameful. So, to the true ‘self builders’ out there... I salute you (with my left hand).